Tuesday 7 March 2017



Lembaga Perjuangan Korban 1965 (LPK65)  beserta seluruh anggota dan pendukungnya dari lubuk hati mengucapkan ikut berduka cita sedalam-dalamnya kepada keluarga besar bung Mawie Ananta Jonie,  yang meninggal pada tgl. 01 Maret 2017 di Almere (Negeri Belanda). Lagi seorang kawan anggota LPK65 meninggalkan kita. Bung Mawie ketika sedang bertugas belajar di RRC dicabut paspornya oleh rejim Suharto, karena tetap loyal terhadap presiden legitim Soekarno. Sebagai seorang eksil demi tegaknya Demokrasi, Keadilan dan HAM di Indonesia telah menjelajah jalan-jalan terjal dan gelap hingga tapal batas nun jauh di sana, dan jalan-jalan lapang terang gemerlapan di tapal batas lainnya. Tapi telah setengah abad yang dicari dan ditunggu tak kunjung ketemu.

Ketika dalam persinggahan di Negeri Belanda bung Mawie sebagai korban kejahatan rejim Suhato di luar negeri, sesuai misi perjuangannya bergabung dalam organisasi LPK65 sampai akhir hayatnya. Di samping itu Bung Mawie sebagai penulis-sastrawan juga bergabung dalam organisasi Yayasan Sejarah dan Budaya Indonesia. Dan almarhum sebagai patriot yang sangat cinta nusa-bangsa bergabung juga dalam organisasi Perhimpunan Persaudaraan Indonesia demi upaya untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai  keindonesiaan di antara masyarakat Indonesia. Itulah pejuang sejati yang tidak hanya tidur dan bermimpi akan datangnya  Keadilan, HAM dan Demokrasi, tapi aktif ikut memberikan ide dan gagasan dalam wujud tulisan-tulisan.*

Kepergian Bung Mawie Ananta Jonie merupakan kehilangan besar bagi LPK65 dan para peduli HAM Indonesia pada umumnya. Semoga amal kebajikan almarhum selama hayatnya diterima Tuhan YME dengan limpahan kasih sayangNya. Dan keluarga besar yang ditinggalkan tetap tabah dan sabar dalam menghadapi situasi duka tersebut.

Selamat jalan  bung Mawie Ananta Jonie, selamat beristirahat di kedamaian abadi. Semoga pengalaman-pengalaman perjuangannya berguna bagi kita semua, terutama bagi generasi muda dan mendatang dalam menghadapi kacau-balaunya perpolitikan di Indonesia.

Negeri Belanda, 07 Maret 2017.

A/n. Lembaga Perjuangan Korban 1965 (LPK65):

MD Kartaprawira (Ketum), S. Pronowardoyo (Sekretaris I)

* Beberapa Puisi MAWIE ANANTA JONIE:


Bila sekarang kusaksikan mentari menembus langit mendung,
aku melihat kelaparan sedang menyerang orang di kampung.

Kalau aku membaca berita para pejabat jadi pencuri,
aku ingat Bung Karno perut kekanan politik kekiri.

Sejak di jaman orde baru berkuasa para koruptor,
berebut kesempatan menjadi diktator

Harga harga naik dan tak pernah turun,
ini telah menjadi penyakit menaun.

Dulu kita kenalkan diri Indonesia,
o Sukarno ! kata mereka .

Amsterdam, 25/07/2011.



Telah lama kami mendengarkan ini jeritan kemerdekaan,
berbagaimacam jalan telah pula dipekikan dan disuarakan

Untuk sebuah kata yang pernah direbut dan dibela dengan nyawa,
dinyanyikan dalam hidup dan matinya anak anak manusia.

Kami yang kini jauh dari tanah air adalah korban perburuan ini,
penindasan penguasa jendral dan polisi negeri sendiri.

Pagi ini aku mndengar suara ciap burung camar ,
beterbangan di angkasa mentari mulai mekar.

Negerimu sedang perang,
rakyat bersenapang.!

Amsterdam, 27 Maret, 2013.



Diayunkannya langkah di ambang senja ombak berdebur,
angin musim dingin terserap kuncup bunga melur

Pada mimpinya atas perjalanan yang direnggut kehidupan,
kita tegak kembali membangun hari depan jadi kekuatan.

Tapi yang kita temui sebuah kenyataan yang disikapi,
tentu bukan jalan keluar kalau tak diberi arti.

Dalam pembuangan atau perburuan itu,
ratusan ribu kita mati di jalan buntu.

Ini pengalaman berdarah,
ini sejarah berdarah.

Amsterdam, 12 April 2011.


Declassification of Indonesia Files in Progress

Declassification of Indonesia Files in Progress
Posted on Mar.06, 2017 in Declassification by Steven Aftergood
The National Declassification Center has completed declassification review of more than half of the classified files from the U.S. Embassy in Djakarta, Indonesia from the turbulent years of 1963-1966. The remainder of the task is expected to be completed by this summer.
So far, 21 of 37 boxes of classified Djakarta Embassy files have undergone declassification review, said Sheryl Shenberger, director of the National Declassification Center. Remarkably, the declassification of the Indonesia records was prioritized in response to public comments.
What new light will they shed on the past?
“As to the discovery of anything new, I leave that to you and the researcher community,” said Alex Daverede of the National Declassification Center, who is performing the declassification review.
“I think you will gain some insight about US perspectives on the 30 September Movement [military personnel who assassinated six Indonesian generals, triggering a campaign of mass killings]. You will also get some close observations about Sukarno and the cast of characters around him. You will also see the Embassy’s perspective on the awkward transition from Sukarno to Suharto. There is a lot of information on Indonesia’s economic woes in 1965-1966 and of the efforts to get food to what was a bankrupt country,” Mr. Daverede said.
In a 2014 draft resolution, Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) pressed for declassification of U.S. records from this period.
“It is a painful history to recall. On October 1, 1965, six Indonesian Army generals were killed. According to scholars, these generals were killed by military personnel, but their deaths were blamed on Indonesia’s Communist Party, which was used to justify mass murders.”
“The next few months were horrific for the Indonesian people. The CIA has called it one of the worst periods of mass murder in the 20th century. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Many others were imprisoned, tortured, raped, starved, and disappeared across the country. These individuals were targeted for their alleged association with communism, but they came from all walks of life, including women’s groups, teachers, intellectuals, and others. Most were unarmed, and none had due process of law.”
“The United States provided financial and military assistance during this time and later, according to documents released by the State Department, and General Suharto consolidated his power, ruling from 1967 to 1998,” Senator Udall noted. CIA also conducted covert operations in Indonesia during this time, though records of that activity may not be included in the Embassy files.
“Unfortunately, while Indonesia has made important economic and political strides since the systemic repression of the Suharto years, impunity for the horrific crimes of the 1960s and during the final years of the independence struggle in East Timor remain glaring examples of unfinished business that are inconsistent with a democratic society based on the principle that no one is above the law,” said Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) in 2015.
“We need to recognize the role of our own government in this history, declassify relevant documents, and urge the Indonesian Government to acknowledge the massacres and establish a credible truth and justice mechanism,” he said.
Now some of those relevant records are being declassified and they should soon be released. Last month, Mr. Daverede wrote about an episode involving the detention of an American missionary in Indonesia in 1965 that was discussed in the files being declassified. See The Curious Case of Harold Lovestrand, NDC Blog, February 10.
The National Declassification Center was established by President Obama’s 2009 executive order 13526 to help coordinate and expedite declassification of historically valuable U.S. government records.